Results of the Farm Mystery Photo 10-14-15

Awesome job Gene!

Here was the clueDSC_0251

And the answer was the valve on the gas barrel. I laughed more times that I can count when I looked at this gas barrel. When we were first married I painted it white. It looked clean and well… pretty white. My father in law literally stopped in his tracks when he was saw it when he walking in the farm yard and said that no one should ever paint a gas barrel white. Well I wasn’t sure just why not, but I thought I better paint it again a different color. So the next day it was painted bright red. I didn’t see my father in law that day, but my guess is that he had a pretty big grin on his face when he saw the new color. Daryl keeps saying he wants to get rid of it, OK so it hasn’t had anything it in for over 30 years but it still is pretty cool. And just look how nice it looks painted red 🙂DSC_0252

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One Response to Results of the Farm Mystery Photo 10-14-15

  1. Gene says:

    Your instinct was right, painting the fuel barrel white. My gas delivery guy says white is best to reflect sunlight off of a gas barrel. Less loss from evaporation.

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