And the winner is….

Well I finally did it. I have named my soap business. Now there was a lot of really good ideas and Thank You for sending suggestions to help me out. 

My name is going to be : SQUEAKY WINDMILL   soaps and more

It’s been a real struggle to try to figure this out and it was almost as hard as naming one of the kids. OK, maybe that’s a little bit drama queen, but it really was hard. I mean I talked about it a lot and poor Daryl was probably getting pretty sick of hearing about it. 

So today I found myself standing in front of the County Courthouse to register the name.20151023_150427 I thought well it’s too late to turn back now and I took a deep breath and went in. Everyone was really nice and I’m sure they knew that I was nervous. The reason that you register it is so that no one can use this name now in our county. I just wasn’t sure how much of a rush there would be to use this name – but heck I’m legal now! 

Then I had contacted the IRS to visit about what is needed for taxes. I wasn’t so nervous about this call but I think I might have had a lot more questions that he was expecting. So I’m pretty sure what type of tax ID number that I’ll need, now I just need to register for it on line. 

The last thing that I’ll have to check out is the CPSC. This is the Consumer Protection Safety Commission agency and I’ll call them tomorrow after work. There sure is a lot of work setting this up but hopefully once it’s set up then that’s all I’ll have to do 

So with all that said and done, I decided to make a couple of batches of soap also today 🙂 I made New Chicks (yellow and white with Lemon fragrance) and also Morning Buzz (thanks William for helping with this name). Morning Buzz is a brown and white soap bar that has some coffee grains in the white top part. The fragrance is a Chocolate Expresso and it smells really pretty good.

I feel like I’m probably at the crossroads where it’s either move forward or call it quits. Well I’ve got too much soap in the house to call it quits so I guess I’ll just keep plugging away. Here’s to the new business SQUEAKY WINDMILL   Soaps and more ! Whooo Hooo!!

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3 Responses to And the winner is….

  1. Kyle and Kelcie says:

    Very cool! Congratulations!

  2. Judy says:

    I love the name and can’t wait to see what you all come up with! Congratulations!

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