
It’s started to rain last night and has been raining most of the day today. And even though it makes things pretty soggy, the crops are welcoming the good soaking. Version 2

Since it rained most of the night last night the first thing we were thinking about this morning when we got up was how cold and wet are the little kitties? I mean a potato fork doesn’t give you much protection now does it? Well the answer is not really. Except from big dogs that is!

So Daryl looked for them this morning with no luck before work and when I got home tonight from work I saw Checkers on the porch and she looked pretty dry. Yup, I knew just exactly where the little kitties were. They were hiding under the seat cushions on the lawn furniture. 20150828_154955

Now we just have to make sure that we watch when the dogs get out because this is Reno’s favorite spot and he’ll sit on them. Seriously how much more work can two little kitties be?



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