LOVE talking to the kids!

We had a chance for everyone to get together tonight to wish Kyle a Happy Birthday and it was great! It’s always fantastic when we can see each other and just like a broken record I’m going to say it again that I absolutely love that the technology allows us to do it!20150827_195944

And when I was thinking about what to write for our skyping adventure and Kyle’s birthday I had to laugh because if you have kids there is a time in your life when you think to yourself ‘Honestly do we have to keep talking about all the questions like why the sky is blue and how come the grass is green” And then there is the “Why” questions that seem like they will never end and you were always stuck in the car where you couldn’t get away!

But somewhere along the journey they did end and now that the kids are all grown up and you have a chance to talk to them you literally listen to every word that’s said and honestly kind of hope that they ask you a question or two along the way. Kinda funny how that changes isn’t it?

And now it seems like we’re asking them questions like “How do we add music to the Spotify listings again?”  🙂

Well here’s to a very Happy Birthday wish to Kyle and I hope your birthday weekend is a fun one!

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