A little bit of everything

First cutting of lettuce

Yesterday was a weird day. I couldn’t get organized and extra things kept getting in my way of working on painting outside. The day started out with Daryl taking William’s car to New Hampton to get the muffler fixed but then he couldn’t get it to the shop. So I had to take it, which wasn’t a big deal but then I had to wait 1 1/2 hrs for it to get fixed. I think this is where everything became unorganized. Well his car got fixed and about 25% of the cost that we were expecting – YEA!! The only bad thing is now we can’t hear when William comes home. Before we could literally hear him when he turned the corner on the T intersection.
So after that I worked in the house for a couple of hours before I headed outside. The chicken coop paint that is on it now is really bad so it’s going to take a couple of days scraping the old stuff off.
William cut his first crop of lettuce today and cleaned it. I’m thinking he’s going to have a lot of lettuce this year. He cleans it and then takes it to the bank and sells it to the ladies there. He sells eggs and lettuce to them and they are by far his best customers.
Then to end the day Slick (our gopher) is back and in full force. I’ve attached a picture of what I saw when setting the trap. I was working really hard to find the hole in the one of 3 mounds that I saw. When I was working on it I looked over and saw this mound(see picture). Can you believe it? What in the world is going on? Not sure if it’s just him teasing me or if it’s really a good hole but I put it in another golfer mound just to be safe. I’m planning on checking it today.

Gopher mound - Slick


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