Corn Yield might be down

For some odd reason our dogs go out into the corn fields and steal corn. Then they lay on the lawn  eating the corn off the cob and usually end up fighting over it. I have no idea why these dogs do this? It’s not like they’re hungry. So far today they had egg bake for breakfast (leftovers from the weekend) , some dog treats, some cheese, a little beef jerky, and then they have all 40 lbs of dog food waiting for them in the barn. So you can see they are not lacking in food! But if they keep stealing the neighbors corn, I think we might have to settle up with those neighbors.

Dog treats?

Last night they started to bark around midnight and they wouldn’t stop. So I looked out there and they were running by the barn and I figured they must have found another raccoon. Normally I would go out and check on it, but I wasn’t in the mood and thought if it was a coon I sure hope the dogs win the fight and then I went back to bed. I know, I should have got out the spot light and checked on them but since they weren’t locked up and it was really wet from raining, I thought ‘Let’s just let nature decide’. Well that was sure the wrong decision. Because this morning they were walking to me from the barn looking really guilty and so I went down to check on what they were up to. It looks like last night they were barking at a little kitty and this morning she was scared to death. So into the house she comes for warmed up egg bake with milk on it. She didn’t really know how to eat until she saw the other cat eating and then she dove right in. So now we have two little kitties that we are trying to a little bit bigger so they can go out on their own. The new kitties name is Ellie. I thought it was a good name because she has HUGE ears and she looks like she is part elephant.

Our newest baby kitty - Ellie

Daryl helped me pick some apples tonight and they are sure looking good. The good ones are always the highest on the trees and this year this is again the case. I had to wait for him to come home from work so he could lift me up into the trees with the bucket on the tractor. There are still some really nice ones up higher and we might put the ladder in the bucket and try again. So far we haven’t seen any worms or bugs on them and that’s good. After we picked apples, Daryl started the other door on the north side of the barn. I didn’t get any painting done today but I’m hoping tomorrow I’ll get a chance.

Working on the north side of the barn

We picked three bags today and hopefully more tomorrow

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One Response to Corn Yield might be down

  1. tammy k. says:

    your apples are looking real good! the trees around here didn’t make very well this year. my uncle’s tree made so many apples last year we had a freezer full. this year, if he even got a peck of apples that were edible, it was a lot. kind of like how the tomatoes just didn’t do well in this heat either. well, there’s always next year, right?

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