Long Sunday afternoon

It rained on and off all day and there was absolutely nothing outside that I could work on. I thought about picking apples but then I thought why would I want to do that and get even wetter from the rain falling off the trees? With Daryl and William both sleeping, I decided that I would watch some TV. I started to watch a show that is about people who hoard things. Oh my goodness! It was a marathon on these shows and after about the third show that I watched, I felt that I better get up and clean something. Since I gutted out the storage area the other day that I have any extra sheets and pillow cases in, I was thinking this is a good project to finish.  So I put the show on pause (I didn’t want to spend the whole day cleaning!) and then I headed to the laundry room to do some serious decluttering. I don’t know why it’s so hard to get rid of  sheets but that was my goal. For me I think it’s so hard because I always think that there is somewhere that I could use them for something. But then that was the definition of hoarding they just told that lady on TV.  I had everything washed and dried so now all I had to do was decide which ones got to stay and who had to go to the Good Will store. The drawer is really large and before I started I couldn’t hardly even close it without shoving everything into it and shutting it fast. But after I picked out a couple that I wanted to keep and just enough to cover the plants at the next frost, I made another pile that I’m not keeping. Now the drawer is only half full and I bet that I won’t even miss the ones that I’m getting rid of.

I wish I had taken a picture tonight of our cows. We were just about to sit down for supper and the dogs started to bark. I think everyone’s dogs are the same. You can tell just by their bark what they are doing or shouldn’t be doing. This bark was a really different one and when Daryl looked out the window he saw the cows standing in the back yard just minding their own business eating apples. Even though this is one way to get rid of those apples – we just can’t have our cows walking around in the back yard! So Daryl and William went out and opened the gate to the yard. The cows followed them and walked right back in. The reason they got out this time was because the electric fence was unhooked. Daryl just hooked it back up and I think tomorrow I’m going to start giving the cows some of the apples that have fallen on the ground now that I know that they really like them.

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One Response to Long Sunday afternoon

  1. Sherry says:

    I have watched the hoarding shows too. It really DOES make a person want to go declutter something!

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