Ma’s noodle soup

So today we bought a new lawn mower. I know, I know, you are probably pretty jealous but it really wasn’t a ‘new’ lawn mower. It was used by a couple of other families before we bought it, but we’ve been looking for a lawn mower that we could use in our ditches. All the new ones now have the gas and oil separate and when you tilt those kind they will wreck the motor. Our old lawnmower was really in tough shape and before we fixed it up we just bought this on. Daryl said he remembers having a lawn mower like this new one and that kind of makes me wonder just how old it really is? I don’t think we had one like it since we’ve been married and we’ve been married for 28 years. Oh well, we thought it was good luck to find this one and we’ll crank her up this weekend to see if it was a good deal or not.

Our 'new' lawnmower

Daryl also worked on the silo shed tonight after work and was able to get it all the wood on the sides done. I was going to plan on painting the south side of the cattle shed but now I’m thinking that I’m going to paint the silo shed instead. I guess we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Daryl working tonight on the silo shed

In between the two cattle sheds there is a small alley that we’ve used for years and years to store junk from the cattle yard. Any time that we’d have something that you didn’t really know what to do with, into this alley it went. I’ll have to get in there to paint the two sides of these sheds, so today I cleaned it out. I found wood, a bunch of metal pieces from gates, and even a tire. But it’s all cleaned up and it’s a good job done.

Stuff from between the two sheds

Then – my Mom came over and surprised me with some of her homemade beef noodle soup. Yum. I took her to town some time ago to do some shopping and when she wanted to know how to pay me back I said I’d take the trade for her soup. Her soup is the best! I know everyone thinks that their mom’s soup is probably the best, but mom’s is so good that when I’m warming it up to eat it – I usually eat some of it cold because I can’t wait for it to warm up. So after I got the one bowl warmed up, I took it and sat by the camp fire to eat it. I just put out the camp fire ring tonight and had the wood burning so it was perfect timing. I could hear Daryl working on the shed and William came and sat by me for awhile before he had to leave to go back to school for practice. I felt that maybe I should have been on one of those beer commercials when they say, “Life doesn’t get any better than this”.

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