
I finished up the west side of the cattle shed late last night and you can really notice it from the road. I think our neighbors are wondering what I’m doing,  because now I drive around the block to check out the buildings that were just painted. But you know when you work on something and want to see it from the road,there’s no other way than to drive really slow and try to see above the corn in the fields to see how it’s looking. You just hope you don’t meet anyone because it’s hard to act like your’e not doing anything and try to look as ‘normal’ as you can. If tomorrow is cold again, I’m going to work on cleaning up between the two cattle sheds probably instead of painting. There’s wood and some other stuff that needs to come out before that gets painted and it’s a good project to work on until the weather gets a little warmer. I’ve seen some kitties running around in between those buildings one day, so I sure hope they found a better home than that!



Daryl is working late on the silo shed. He wants to get it done before next week so he can start to work on getting the combine ready for the fall. He had some leftover tin from the roofs of some of the other sheds that he did a couple of years ago and that way he can just use that and not have to buy any more new. That’s good. The weather has really turned and it sure feels like fall now. We’ve got a frost advisory out for us and man that makes a lot of work if you want to keep the vegetables and flowers going. I’m planning on covering both the big garden tomatoes and also the windmill tomatoes, then the flowers and flower boxes. I also want to keep the raspberries alive. I covered them the other day with a bird net because the fall crop is looking really good. There are just tons of new raspberries out there and I would hate to have them not ripen. We’ll see how many extra sheets and blankets I have to cover everything. Next week it’s supposed to get back into the 70’s so it’s just the first ‘scare’ of what’s coming our way for weather this fall. Oh yea, we’ll have to bring Little Kitty in also. She’s going to want to be someplace other than outside. She’s pretty funny though. When it gets chilly during the day, she kind of wraps herself up in the towel that I put out there and you when you call for her – she just peeks out from under it so she doesn’t get too cold. Man she’s going to have to get a LOT tougher than that!  Since it’s chilly also in the house, I made some potato soup with bread from the oven and now I’m working on some chocolate chip cookies. It not only warms you up, but it seems to warm up the house.

Daryl putting a new roof on the silo shed

Community watering hole

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