
Our Flag

Today is the 10th anniversary of the attacks on Trade Centers, the Pentagon, and flight 93 in Pennsylvania. It’s weird how you can remember some things that happen so clear isn’t it? Because I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was at work and talking to Larry in our Mequon, Wisc. facility when he said that the Trade Center was just hit by an airplane. I couldn’t believe it and then others were starting to also talk about it. We got out the TV that we used for training and turned it on in the break room. I remember we all just stood there with our hands up to our mouths and in complete shock. We knew it was bad at the time, but didn’t have any clue that by the end of the day there would be 3000 people that would die that day. We also experienced something that I hope to never have to again. One of our co-workers was listening to all the news and heard about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. He knew his daughter was flying to the east coast and there was a chance that she was on this flight. There were people all trying to help him to find out if she was on this flight and this was not very easy to do. You can imagine that the press wouldn’t release any names and as the day kept going, so did his worry. I’m not sure how he did end up finding out that she was safe and was on another plane but the next day at our morning plant wide meeting he stood up in front of everyone and just sobbed. He was happy that she was still alive but also so overcome with the anxiety from the day before that he just cried. It was and is, something that I know that I will never forget.

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One Response to Remembering

  1. tammy k. says:

    I remember I was at work and the first thing I did was call my mom. She worked in the Sear’s Tower in Chicago at the time and I was terrified it would be hit. She was actually late getting in to work that morning and wasn’t in the city at the time, which was just fine with me. She continued to work in it for a few more years, but then changed jobs.

    Sure enjoy reading your blog. All of your hard work has really paid off. Your buildings all look so nice.

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