Cows on the loose

I knew that today was going to be ‘one of those days’ when we got up and found out that the cows got out. Well the cows didn’t really get out, when Daryl was done with the tractor in the cow yard last night he forgot to shut the gate and the cows had free range. We’ve been putting our dogs in the barn at night so they didn’t have any clue that the cows were out and we never heard a thing. They must have been pretty quiet because I didn’t sleep very well and I could hear a bird (I’m pretty sure it was a bat!) in the big tree beside our house – but I didn’t hear any cows. They are so tame though and I just called them and threw down some corn in the cow yard and that was that – they were locked up again. But looking at grass this morning, they left evidence that they were by the house for awhile and then hung out by the chicken house. I scooped up by the house and then washed it off the cement but left everything else in the yard. It’ll dry and then we’ll just mow it later. Kinda gross – but hey it’ll work.
I also checked the calendar and found out that I had a dentist appointment this morning. The appointment was at 10:45 so that pretty much shot the whole morning. I canned some salsa before I left and was really worried on how the appointment was going to go. But it went really well and as long as I was in town I went and got a new cell phone. I like my old one – but I’ve had it for a long time because I kept giving my contracts to William and Daryl when they needed it. But I took the plunge and picked out a new one for myself. While they were getting it ready, I went to the Amish. It wasn’t too far from where I was at and I wanted to see if I could find someone who would take a look at our trampoline. I did find Mr. Yoder and he said that he’d look at it but wouldn’t promise anything. I didn’t think it was that bad until I got home and looked at it again. I guess we’ll find out when he looks at it.
So after all my running around, I finally got home and started to paint. It was very windy and if you know me, you know that I don’t do very well with wind. But that isn’t what was bugging me. The crazy sweat bees were out in full force. I was painting white and I finally got so sick of them that I just quit for the day. I thought that I would spend the rest of the afternoon with the weed eater. So off to the basement to get my new string for it. Everything was good until the string all came out at once, then no string came out, and you get the picture. I put that away also, went to the house and took a shower. We had warm ups for supper and I’m sure hoping that I have better luck tomorrow.
The pictures that I’ve attached are from a camping trip that I went on this weekend with some girls. Tons of fun and great weather! The next one is Daryl starting the silo shed. It’s in bad shape but since he’s been working on it, it’s coming along. And the last one is a picture that I took when I was at the Amish.  Every house had laundry hanging out on the line in front of their houses. The weather was warm today and windy so I’m sure that it dried in no time.

How to spend a warm Saturday afternoon

The Campers

Daryl working on the silo shed

Mondays are wash days at the Amish

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