Category Archives: Baking

Kinda cheating…

I felt like I was kinda cheating today.. well just maybe a little bit. And it was all because of our chickens!  Now granted I know that every year when the weather turns cold, so do our chickens. They kind … Continue reading

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Good Boxes

A couple of years ago when I would see a box, I would think of it only as a box. Then when Kyle went off to college my perspective of boxes changed. What I mean by that is there are … Continue reading

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Supper tonight

Have you ever  set out some meat for supper and then think to yourself, geez I wish I didn’t thaw that out? As you can about imagine, that’s what happened to me tonight. I purposely thawed out some hamburger so … Continue reading

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In the zone man!

I knew today was going to be a perfect fall day. Just the kind of day that you should be on the water kayaking right? Well, that wasn’t going to happen today! Daryl is working hard to get the corn … Continue reading

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Puff Pastry – 2 easy recipes

You know that Daryl’s been in the field lately and I’ve been trying to come up with new ideas on what to have in the house that’s easy to grab and is also good. So with the apples in the … Continue reading

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When I’m looking in the refrigerator I notice that the soup and lasagna is all gone that I made a couple of days ago. That’s a bad thing. What that means is that there’s nothing in the fridge that Daryl can … Continue reading

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Baking good things

I went and did errands tonight and ended up by the grocery store. Now normally I’m never in town when they have the Farmer’s Market, but tonight luck was on my side. The market is set up right in the … Continue reading

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Cards & Stuff

I finally had a chance to get a couple of cards done that were way over due. I’m not sure why I got so far behind, but these birthday cards should have been done for a couple of months. Yea, … Continue reading

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Music Practice – Roadhouse

Tonight was Daryl’s music group’s practice at our place. And where else would a good spot to practice at  our farm other than the Roadhouse? I just love it that the Roadhouse gets used as much as it does. The … Continue reading

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It’ s off to the Vet we go

When we got Kaiser we knew that he didn’t have any of his shots or his puppy check up so I made an appointment at our local vet office to start the process. I’ve been to this vets office before … Continue reading

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