Machine Shed – Check it off the List!

Today I finished up the west side of the machine shed. All I had to do was the trim so I was able to get that done easily. So now it is officially done! Yea!! I also was able to get the west side of the cattle shed done today. I’m sure some people are saying that I should be getting sick of painting by now, but you know what – I really miss it if I don’t get to paint. Isn’t that insane? I would have never guessed that I would enjoy these projects that Daryl and I have been working on so much.

Cattle Shed - Before picture

Cattle Shed – West side done.

Check out the Barn Sign - We still have to paint the top of the barn on this side

I’m also was able to get another project done that we’ve been working on since early spring. It was the ‘Clean out the freezer project’. Our freezer hasn’t been defrosted since… OK, it’s never been defrosted. In the spring we decided that we were going to try to use as much as we could so we could defrost it. We were loosing about 1/2 of most of the shelves because of the amount of ice that was built up. So today was the day. I packed up a couple of very large coolers and unplugged it. Then I put a fan on it and it didn’t take long for it to start to melt. Tonight I repacked it and threw away things that I was sure we wouldn’t have eaten and I was glad that it was only a few things. Boy what a good feeling to have a that done!
Daryl has been busy outside since he got home. He got the manure spreader from his brothers farm and scooped up all the apples that fell with the crazy wind we had earlier last week. Then he got out the pressure washer and started to wash a tractor that was stored in the machine shed. The weather is changing fast and with fall just around the corner, he’ll be busy getting his farm equipment ready for the field work.

Getting ready for fall field work

Cleaning up the apples that fell

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2 Responses to Machine Shed – Check it off the List!

  1. Sherry says:

    Are the flower boxes on the barn new? I LOVE them!!

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