Getting things cleaned up a bit

It was really nice after work today so I decided that I better get some of the stuff cleaned up around the old milk house, flower boxes on the barn, and the other buildings. I wanted to clean up the flowers that were either dying or needed to be removed before the weather turned really cold.

I started with the lily’s by the milk house and holy smokes did I end up with a mess! I’m not sure how I got so much stuff out of there, but it was one of those times when you started something and then you get about half way done and think ‘this is a really yucky job!’ But I got through it and ended up carrying the extra leaves behind the grain bins. I’m not sure who’s going to use them this fall and winter, but I bet some little creatures will!DSCN9006

I laughed when I went down to check on the flowers by the Roadhouse. I saw that I had some oats growing in that container! But it didn’t look so bad – so I left it in there. Well at least for now. DSCN9015

And finally the ones by the front door. I just couldn’t junk them out yet, so even though they’re looking pretty summery around the pumpkins and mums that I have out there also, well that’s just how it’s going to have to be for now. DSCN9017


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