
I think everyone needs to set some type of  goals and at the beginning of the year I try to set a goal of ‘something’ every month. Now some of them are big goals, like running in a 10K in September. And some of them are not so big, like getting some photo books done in November. But with the weather turning so fast, I’m really concerned about my October goal. My October goal is to paint some of the buildings and fences outside. The reason that I’m a little worried is because they are actually using the four letter word today – snow! Yea, SNOW! I am so not ready for this yet. My painting outside won’t take that long, but it will take probably a week to get what I want done after work. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how this whole thing plays out. But I’m hoping that the weather will turn again and we will have a nice and somewhat warm October.  They were right though about a cold front moving in tonight. When I went outside to lock up the chickens in just some shorts and a t shirt tonight, I made a mad dash for the house because it was pretty chilly.  My poor little cherry tomatoes are just starting to ripen so out comes the old sheet that I keep around to cover the plants up and they’re all covered up for the night.  I hope the crazy wind doesn’t blow it off of them.

This is what the sky looked like on the way to the farm tonight. Yup, winter is coming.IMG_2145

And the photo of the day is Earl. Isn’t he cute?

Earl and No Ears just hanging out tonight in the cow yard

Earl and No Ears just hanging out tonight in the cow yard.

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One Response to Goals

  1. tammy k. says:

    okay, i could just say “ohhhh, cute” or i could be ornery and say “beef – it’s what’s for dinner” is what i was thinking when i saw this pic!

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