Getting the combine ready & auction stuff

Daryl and I spent the day so differently. He spent most of the day getting the combine out of the shed and checking it all out for the harvest season. Now doesn’t it just seem like we just put it into the shed not that long ago? The first thing that he did was to check out the corn head for the combine. I’m not sure what that all was but he was pretty busy working on it most of the morning.  After a late dinner, he said he was going to bring the corn head to the other farm and then work on the bean head. DSCN8959He drove the combine to the other farm and after dropping off the corn head, he was back in the yard hooking up the bean head. It just makes me smile because if you ever want to know what’s going on with our farm, just check out what equipment is in front of our barn. Today it was the combine with the bean head. He’ll take the beans out first, so it has to be ready when he needs it. The beans are not ready to be combined just quite yet, but it was a nice day outside and there’s no better way for a farmer to spend the day than getting ready for the harvest season.

Working on the bean head for the combine

Working on the bean head for the combine

And as for me? Well I worked on the boxes of things that I got from the auction yesterday. I wanted to sort out what I was keeping and what needed to go to the Good Will Store. I was able to find quite a few treasures so it was a lot of fun going through them. I also had some laundry that needed to be done and with the weather sunny and breezy it was a great day to hang them outside.

The night ended by bringing William’s car to the repair shop. This was the first appointment that we could bring it in since his break lines broke and he’s got our other car in the mean time. Since we were in town we needed to pick up some dog food and cat food. We ran out last night and even though they loved the scrambled eggs that they got today, I wasn’t too excited about making them again tomorrow if I didn’t have to. We wanted to get to town before 7 pm because we thought that this one discount store might close after 7. It must have been quite awhile since we’ve gone to this store on Sundays, because they weren’t open at all on any Sundays. OK, we thought that we’d just go to the gas station and pick up some food to get us by until tomorrow after work. This sounds like a good plan right? Well, the price of the largest bag (and I use the word ‘largest’ very loosely) the price was very expensive and we would have to buy a couple of bags. Kaiser eats things by swallowing them and doesn’t even taste them and he’d eat a bag by just by himself tonight. What a waste of money this would be. So we drove to the next town about 20 miles away and there a grocery store was open on Sundays. We picked up a huge bag of dog food,  along with another bag of cat food, and some other smaller groceries that we’ll need for the beginning of the week. Back home we went and tonight everyone’s bellies should be full.

We’re thinking if the weather holds out tomorrow, we might be able to rake the hay up on the outside rounds and get some small square bales made. I guess we’ll see what the weather is going to do. As for tonight? Well it’s time to get ready for the upcoming week.

The photo of the day is that of our little kitties.  Kyle shows his classroom in South Korea the pictures of the farm and with his kids in preschool grades, they were looking for more of the kitty ones. So here are 3 of them tonight on our porch. DSCN8958

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