Stuff to do on Labor Day

Well here’s an update to my issues from yesterday. My wrist was much better today. I’m not sure if it was the bandage that I had on it overnight or if it just was going to get better anyway – but I was sure glad that it was only sore and not swollen today! The next thing is the 4 wheeler. I guess there’s some type of switch that I have to turn on if I want to pull start it William said. OK and that’s a good thing to know the next time. But I think I’ll have to find out where that switch is first.  Then the last thing is the Pacifica. William tried to start the car today and found out that the battery was dead again this morning and needs to be replaced. I’m glad that I didn’t cause the battery to go dead yesterday, but it would have been a lot cheaper if all it needed was a jump Sunday night. So he’ll just replace the battery down at college until we can get his car down to him.

Daryl ended up getting called back into work and spent most of the day (and night) there again,  so I decided to catch up on some stuff around the house. The first thing was to work on getting the cellar storage organized and throw away anything that’s outdated for my canned stuff. I needed to bring down the canned pasta sauce that I did this weekend and I wanted it organized before I added more. I know that this is probably a little odd – but once I brought down the ‘new’ canned jars I just couldn’t help but smile on how nice it looked with the filled jars lining the shelves. I just stood there and was feeling pretty proud of myself and realized that I need to get some more things canned before I am feeling over confident about all of this.

Then I worked on getting the refrigerator cleaned out. I think it might have been a mistake buying so much stuff at the vegetable stand on Friday, so I decided to try my luck on freezing whole corn on the cobs this year. I found a recipe on the internet that had the most stars rated on it and gave it a try. Here’s what I did – after cleaning the corn, I put it in boiling water with a couple of tablespoons of sugar and brought it back up to a boil.

Waiting for the water to boil

Waiting for the water to boil

I let it boil for about 5 minutes and then cooled it down fast in ice water. Once the cobs were cool, they were put on a towel to dry and then I vacuum packed them with a little butter on top.

Drying the cobs after they were cooled in ice water

Drying the cobs after they were cooled in ice water

Butter goes well with sweet corn

Ready for a Sunday dinner in winter

OK, I improvised and added the butter part myself. I thought to reheat them I would just leave them in the bags and warm them up either in the microwave or on the stove in water. I’m thinking either way would work and I guess I’ll find out just how well it does taste this winter. I think that this would work pretty good if you were camping. You wouldn’t have the mess of having to clean the corn and it would sure taste good around a camp fire.

Another reason why I wanted to clean out the fridge was because we were out of dog food and I wanted to see if there was anything in there that could tide the dogs over for a couple of hours. Having Kaiser around is like having a teenager and he just eats and eats! I already gave them the rest of the cat’s food and they ate all the food that was bought for them at our local gas station yesterday. You really pay for the convenience part of this store and that’s OK in a pinch. So let’s just say our dogs ate well this afternoon out of our fridge while I was working in the kitchen.  After the corn was in the freezer I did end up getting to town to shop at a discount store and honestly I think I would have been better off just buying the dog food at the convenience store! I went into the store just thinking that I need a bag of dog food and cat food and came out with about $200 less money in my wallet. I guess we needed more things than these two things after all. I have to confess though about something that I bought today that I’ve never bought in my life. I bought a couple cans of kitty food. And man oh man is this slick. I got home and the 6 pack of little kitties came running. So I grabbed a can of kitty food and opened it up and that was that! I laughed when the little kitties were done, the chickens came over to see what they were eating and then the dogs came and licked the bowls clean. I guess nothing goes to waste on the farm.

And the night ended up with me getting in a good 4 mile run. Now I’m not fast or good at this, but I do think that I might be getting better. The only problem is that I’ve got a long way to go to be good.


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