
We had skyped with Kyle and Kelcie Sunday night in South Korea and had to brake the news to Kyle that ever since we went to Minneapolis that one weekend and left Little Kitty alone – well, he ran away. Now Little Kitty is a Tom Cat so I’m sure he’s just hanging out at the neighbors or something so I’m really not too worried about him. But I think Kyle felt so bad and he said that we really need to start looking for another cat. He loves a house cat and can’t understand why everyone else doesn’t love them too. Well we were OK without one for now so everything on our side was good.

Which brings me up to today. Call it coincidental or maybe being jinxed by Kyle, tonight after work I saw this little baby kitty that Kaiser brought up to the house. I think he thought it was some kind of wiggly toy or something. He stood pretty proud by the cat and was kind of acting like ‘look what I found’. So into the house this cat went. It’s pretty small and wouldn’t drink out of the little bottle that we got from the vet very well,  so my thoughts for this little baby cat’s survival was pretty grim. The only thing that I did know is that this cat meows a lot. And I mean a LOT! Finally William just wrapped it up in a towel and literally slept with it to keep it quiet. He said he only rolled over it maybe once during the night. It’s a good thing that this kid is thin right? Well in the morning the cat was still alive and who would have thought it? Now it did start to drink from the little pan of warmed up milk so I’m thinking there just might be a future for it after all. DSCN8745OK so it lived through the night so I guess we should name her. Well her name is Maggie. But guess what? That night when I was outside I saw Reno guarding something down by the barn. It was cat # 2. I think Reno didn’t want Kaiser to get too close or something which is really a good thing. DSCN8746So 2 baby cats in the house trying to keep alive wasn’t the worse thing, but by the end of the night we had 3. Now this is getting a little bit out of control right? Then we had 4.

4 baby kitties

4 baby kitties

Well move time forward and now we literally have 5 little kitties that we’re trying to keep alive. And only two of them have their eyes open so they are really little yet. DSCN8752 And do you think we can keep Maggie happy? No. She just cries and cries and can escape from almost anything. I’ll be in the kitchen and then around the corner comes this little cat the size of your palm looking for you. So our mornings and during my lunch hours during the week has changed. I made some egg muffins that I break up and mix with milk and try to keep these 5 little cats alive.

eggs, milk, and cheese baked together

eggs, milk, and cheese baked together

I’ll give it another couple of days before I name the rest of them. It’s still pretty early to be too optimistic. And even though Kyle is thousand’s of miles away – I swear that that he might have jinxed us!

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