New babies and more worrying

Well you know that we have this new little baby calf at our farm – Earl, and he is doing really well. But you also know how I can worry just about everything, so I started to worry if Earl was nursing off of No Ears. You could see his little ribs and I thought ‘Oh no’ he’s not drinking. Even though he runs around the cow yard like a dang Jack Rabbit, we finally caught him and got him coaxed into the pen in the barn. No Ears was close behind and it wasn’t too long the door was shut behind them. So Daryl went in to kind of coax him to nurse and that really wasn’t necessary. Earl knew just what to do! Whew!!IMG_1833

So while Daryl was working on putting the bale mover on the tractorIMG_1835I just hung out in the cow yard. Yea… I do know how that sounds. 🙂 But I was sitting on the ledge of the fence and Scarlet came over and just stood in front of me. Now Scarlet is tame, but this wasn’t something that she normally does. As I started to pet her, she came and put her head by my lap and just stood there. OH NO!! What was wrong? Geez, just when you think your’e done worrying about kids, now I’m worrying about calves. But I gave her a look over and didn’t see much that could be wrong. She was walking kind of funny but her ears were up which is a good sign. IMG_1837The only other thing I could see was that she looked a little fat. I was still outside when William came home and I told him that I was worried about Scarlet. He looked at her and thought that she was bloated. AAAHHH !!!  But I do know what qualifies being bloated from experience from Rion, so I don’t think it was that. Then I thought to myself if maybe… just maybe .. Scarlet was nursing off of No Ears. No Ears is such a good Mom that she would take care of two babies like nothing. After a quick nap in the grass, I noticed that Scarlet was doing much better. I think she drank so much milk that her belly was too full to walk!IMG_1840

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