Twins Baseball Game

IMG_1820Isn’t it the truth, when you don’t have to get up early it seems like your back starts hurting around 5:30 and finally after trying to get comfortable you just plain give up and take a shower? Well, that’s what always seems to happen to me anyway. So this morning was the same story. I laid and bed and thought to myself just stick it out and go back to sleep. But then I had to go to the bathroom ..  and finally I got up and downloaded a bunch of pictures on the IPad and then took a shower. The baseball game wasn’t starting until around 1:00 and that meant that we didn’t really have to leave until 10:30 from our hotel.

Since Daryl and I couldn’t sleep anymore and the kids were awake, we decided to get to the Metro train and head to the stadium. We were really surprised when we saw that the train was full of both Twin’s fans and Yankee fans this early before the game. It was an uneventful trip in (which is good) and then we got to the stadium. Once we got to the stadium we worked through the crowd and started to watch the batting practice.

The Twins gave Derek Jeter the second base from the old Twins stadium

The Twins gave Derek Jeter the second base from the old Twins stadium

OK, now for the game. Our seats were really good and they were behind home plate and just under the awning. It was pretty hot in the sunshine and so I was more than happy sitting in the shade. I even saw some emergency people taking out this one guy that looked like he got too hot. The game was kind of long if you ask me, but remember I’m not that good at watching sports.

Derek Jeter at bat

Derek Jeter at bat

So this is how I passed the time.

Cold beer and nachos. That's how I roll

Cold beer and nachos. That’s how I roll

But with the Twins tied at the 8th inning I thought to myself, ‘Oh no! somebody .. anybody make another run!’ Because one time we went to a Twins game and it lasted 19 innings. Pure torture if you ask me. And at the end of the ninth inning it was still tied. First overtime ended in another tie and then the second overtime the Twins pulled it out and won! Yea!! IMG_1822

Because the game lasted longer that we were originally thinking it would, we didn’t make it to our local town to watch their fireworks. But as I’m checking out our bobble heads from the game, William shot some fireworks off at the farm to celebrate the long weekend of the 4th of July.

Some of William's fireworks at the farm

Some of William’s fireworks at the farm


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