Riding our bicycles

We finally got our bicycles out this afternoon. In the past years, we’d be on our bicycles as early as the first week of May and now it’s the first week of July!! Yikes!! Because of all the wet weekends that we’ve had, it’s made it next to impossible to get any early riding in this year. So finally we had a chance to get out and see just exactly how bad our bodies were going to react to sitting on a bike and also the heat and wind that came with the day today. And honestly the ride wasn’t too bad. We didn’t go too far and we wanted to see how our back sides were going to take it and also if we needed our bikes tuned up. Surprisingly both were OK. Now granted we only went about 15 ish miles I think, but it was a good way to test everything out if you know what I mean.  It didn’t take long though when we started to ride for me to know just exactly why I love riding bicycles. The smell of the sweat clover and just taking in the country side makes me happy. I think we’re going to try to get a couple more rides in yet this week. Anyway that’s the plan!

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