Side 3 of Machine Shed – DONE!

We finished the south side of the machine shed today. It seemed like it took longer than it should have, but we started a couple of other projects during the time. Check out the pictures below:

Machine Shed - the south side

Machine shed today!

I need to paint the west side yet of the machine shed. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow I should be able to get it done. I started it the other day and the paint is already mixed, so it should go fast. Anyway I sure hope so, because I’m really anxious to paint the cattle shed. It is not going to look good – it’s going to look FANTASTIC!! It hasn’t been painted for a very long time and I think it’s going to be the one that is going to be the most drastic change. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Since I had the white paint out today, I finished painting some trim on the barn. I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t painted it before and then I remembered that I couldn’t reach it with the ladder. The cattle yard was way too steep. So I got out the extension ladder and climbed on the roof with my paint pail. I soon found out that I should have put pants on, because I ended up laying on the shingles on my stomach and had to lean over the edge to paint. OK, probably not the safest but I wasn’t worried at all about falling – but I was getting pretty scratched up. I was really happy that no one drove by when I was doing this. I really couldn’t believe that no one did because we have a very busy road. I did get the trim done so that’s good and I also started on the barn sign. We’re having a discussion on how old the house is. If the barn was build in 1893, the question is if the house is 5 years older than the barn. If so, I wonder if they tore an old house down to build this one? Sometime I’m going to check into this .. maybe this winter. But for now, I’ve got the white done and tomorrow I’m planning on painting the black on the sign and started with red again. I haven’t updated the gallons used for quite sometime now, I think I’ll just count the empty pails from now on. I think it’ll be easier to update that way.

We had a chance to talk with Kyle tonight and wish him a Happy Birthday! We always send him boxes of ‘stuff’ during the year and his birthday box is going to be late. I ordered some books but there not in yet and I don’t want to send the box until I get them. I usually also put in other things and one time he told us that getting the boxes was just like Christmas morning. You never knew what you were going to get, but you did know that you were sure going to like it! In the picture Kyle was goofing off and pretending to blow out his candles.

Happy Birthday Kyle!

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