Saturday – Irish Fest

Saturday was day two of the towns  festivities and the weather is holding out. That’s such a relief! It seems like it can rain easily these past days and just before the parade was starting this morning, it started to sprinkle. Everyone thought ‘Oh no’, but it never did rain and it didn’t take too long and then the parade was on it’s way. The parade was about an hour long and normally I really don’t get into parades that much, but I really enjoyed it. It’ so funny because in our town’s parade,  families get together and have their own entry.. 10500439_558842320891563_2572696245601438053_n10431526_558842244224904_6830839297225089454_nNow there were some pretty creative ones, but the one that I got the biggest kick out of was the one with a farm spreader on it. How funny! They became a Century Farm and are proud of it. Which they should be! IMG_1702Now I think some town people might wonder what in the heck is going on with that! But I think it was my favorite one of all. Nothing too fancy, just plain funny! The second entry that I would vote for being really funny was a local electric company’s business. The guy had a Superman cape on and was being lifted and lowered like he was flying. The wind would catch his cape and fly behind him. It was a hoot! IMG_1711And now for candy – there was TONS of it. I was thinking how much candy we threw out last week at the town that I work in’s parade and I really think we have to kick it up a notch for next year. The reason that I say this is because the kids by us today were getting handfuls of candy thrown to them. And all those kids ended up with grocery sacks full! Yup, we definitely need to get more next year for our business. After the parade we joined everyone else and headed downtown to catch some of the local fun and grab something to eat from the vendors. Below are a couple of pictures that I snapped along the way.

Blow up activities for the kids

Blow up activities for the kids

The Photo History sponsor - Kurt Croell from Lawler

The Photo History sponsor – Kurt Croell from Lawler

Guest speakers in the Hardware store

Guest speakers in the Hardware store

Putting the coins into the sand for the kids

Putting the coins into the sand for the kids

We spent a couple of hours downtown and went home to do the chores and get cleaned up again and back to town we went. We wanted to support the local Lions Club for their chicken supper and found out that if we were going to eat there tonight before we had to do our volunteer work, we needed to inhale our food. For some reason we didn’t come to town early enough and now we had only 7 minutes to eat 4 pieces of chicken, coleslaw, beans, buttered roll, and potato salad. Guess what? Even with the pressure on – we did it. Now to be honest, we only took 3 pieces of chicken 🙂  We were glad to get served right away because we heard that last year they served over 1000 people. Pretty good considering our town only has 439 people living there.

The crowd for the Lion's Club chicken dinner.

The crowd for the Lion’s Club chicken dinner.

Now to get to  the Entertainment Tent. We signed to work in the beer tent and even though this was the first time for us to work in there, it went well.It was kind of fun being on that side of the night for a couple of hours. Our shift went fast and we ended up the night hanging out listening to the music. What a great day and it was really fun! You can tell that everyone worked really hard to make the day seamless and it really paid off! And for Daryl and I? Well, we’re ready to call it a night and hit the hay.

OK, so I have two photo’s of the day. The first one that I took of some boys watching their friend in the dunk tank. I really like this picture. To me it represents small town life in the summer.

Boys with the best view in town

Boys with the best view in town

The second one is some girls in the coin finding contest. They put money into the cement mixer and then mix it up with a  load of sand. After it’s dumped,  the kids dig in the sand to try to find as much money as they can. I just love this little girl in the tutu giving it all!

Digging for treasure!

Digging for treasure!

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