Friday Night – Irish Fest & 5k

And the weekend has officially begun –  Thank Goodness! I hosted some guests for work this week and I was really glad that everything went well for that. I think (OK, I know) that I worry about this more than I should. But like I said, the day went well and I can check that off my list. So now it’s the first night of the Irish Fest in our town and we’re ready for the people to come. The pictures and the book that I’ve been helping with look really good if I say so myself. We had so much help from others in the Community getting it ready, it was so fantastic! There seems to be quite a bit of interest in it, so I’m thinking it should go over pretty good. The large tents are set up for the music crowd and Daryl, William, and I are getting ready for the 5k tonight. Yup, same as before – I’m hoping to get under 30 minutes. So how did the run go? Well I ended up between 31 & 32 minutes. So I did do better than last week, but I’m going to try to find another 5k that I can run in soon and hopefully by the end of summer I should.. well I hope … that I will be able to meet and beat that goal of 30 minutes! I still want to do a half marathon this fall, but after seeing how hard it is for me to beat this dumb 30 minute goal thing,  I think the verdict is still out if I’m still going to sign up or not.

After the run, we went home quick to get cleaned up and came back in for the band. The music was great and the tent and town was full.

Sweet Siren on stage

Sweet Siren on stage

I didn’t take too many pictures tonight, but here is one of my favorites of Daryl and I 🙂

He’s such a good sport and hardly puts up a fight anymore for these photo ops!  So this is the photo of the day- Daryl and I.



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