Painting continues

We sure did a little bit of everything today. I had a bridal shower to go to in the morning and while I was gone Daryl started to paint with the sprayer. He finished part of the machine shed and then went to the barn to get started. I’m a little worried about the amount of paint that we have left. How ironic that I’m worried now that we’ll have too much! When Daryl sprays the paint it only is taking about 1/4 of what I use. So if we continue to use it – we’ll have about 15 to 20 gallons left over!! I worked so hard to get more ordered and lugging those 5 gallon pails around – it sure would be a shame to have it left over. We both agreed that spraying doesn’t cover as well as if you brushed it on – so we might go back to brushing it on instead. I guess we’ll see. The south side of the machine shed is done with the exception of the diesel barrel. I need to finish painting white. It’s never been painted as far as I know so it’s been a real challenge to cover everything.

Starting on the east side of the barn

I forgot that the little kitty was in the house until I looked down!

Little Kitty hiding


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5 Responses to Painting continues

  1. bruce says:

    After all that kitty has been through when are you going to give it a name?

    • farm2011 says:

      It’s such a debate on her name. The first name we gave her was a boys name so that wasn’t the best when we found out the real sex of the cat. Then I wanted to name her – Come On or CO for short. The reason for the name is because that’s all she knows when I talk to her. I say, ‘Come On over here or Come On you are sure done eating by now…’ Well you get the picture. It makes perfect sense that this should be her name but I don’t think anyone else likes the name. So for now her name is Little Kitty.

  2. tammy k. says:

    me thinks you have a housecat….whether you wanted one or not! she is a little cutie and i’m glad you rescued her.

    • farm2011 says:

      She is really cute but we really don’t want a house cat. The trouble that I’m having is that she really likes ham and scrambled eggs in the morning. I’m not sure how to get her to catch her own food!

  3. tammy k. says:

    oh, i can certainly appreciate that right now, as i have three mousetraps set in my kitchen and one house cat eating cat food! i never did figure out if mousing was a learned skill or instinct for cats. our cats mama was a barn cat, but i think she was taken away pretty little. i wish she would catch this mouse that has been lurking around here. i hate mice. eek!

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