Yea – we have hot water!

After a couple of hours yesterday, it was finally decided that we had a bad sensor in our heat on demand system. They didn’t have the part, but was able to have it work .. kind of. We can only have hot water on one water facet at a time. They apologized and said that they were sorry – but after boiling water to do the dishes and take a bath I sure am not complaining.

After running errands this morning I painted with white this afternoon. I did the trim on the machine shed and worked on the diesel barrel.  Daryl last night opened up the paint sprayer and painted one of the machine shed doors. He said that it went pretty fast, so I’m hoping that I’ll have a chance tomorrow to try it out. I’ve never used one before, but how hard can it be?

As I was walking through the yard I noticed the cow water. The cows drink out of it and it always has water in it. Not only do the cows drink out of it, but so do the dogs and I found out today – so do the peacocks.

Community drinking hole

I looked again at the next project that I’m planning on working on. It’s William’s pictures and things from school. I haven’t started any of his scrapbooks yet and this is the pile that I’ve put together so I have them all in one area. It’s a little bit overwhelming, so I’m going to do this in small sections at a time.

Something to do when it's raining outside

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