Field work started today

These past few days the farmers have literally put their equipment in the fields and were just waiting for a nice day to get started. And guess what? Today was the day! Everywhere you looked you saw people working up the land or hauling manure in the fields. Daryl was even saying that another day like today and he thought he might be able to plant corn . So that’s good! But before he went to get his machinery ready for tomorrow, he had hauled his last load of corn into the coop. Someone was in front of him and was trying to unload and their truck broke down, so Daryl called me to see if I would come and pick him up. He was going to just leave the tractor and wagon there and come back later to get it. So while we were waiting to see if he could get unloaded I went looking for my camera to take a quick picture. And guess what? No camera in the car. Now honestly can you believe that? But I left my purse on the kitchen table when I left to pick him up. I thought that I’d only be gone for a minute. So I said that I was going to go home quick and get my camera and be right back. He was still waiting so I was hoping that he didn’t get unloaded before I got back. Well lucky for me he was just about to unload when I got there.

When I was making this mad dash for home I was thinking about farming and how it’s kind of like this great big circle. You plant the corn in the spring and take care of it all summer, in the fall you harvest it, and store it to see what the prices are going to do. Then in the spring you usually sell it and then plant corn and do it all over again. Every year you worry about everything and hope that next year that you’ll be able to have an even better crop. Our last year crops did OK, but with the crazy weather we had, we’ve done better. So this year we’re hoping that the weather cooperates and everyone gets good yields.  So here is my picture of the day – it’s Daryl unloading corn at the coop.

Daryl just pulled in to unload the wagon when I got there

Daryl just pulled in to unload the wagon when I got there

Unloading corn at the coop tonight

Unloading corn at the coop tonight

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