Mom is feeling better and her card club friends wanted to come for a visit. So today was the day that would work out for most of them to come and that was the plan. Since Mom is still on her shop vac machine (as she calls it), getting out isn’t the easiest thing for her to do right now. So she planned the meal that these ladies were going to have and between my sister and I we were able to get everything that she needed.
It didn’t take long after dinner today and one by one they started to show up. My sister was able to spend the afternoon at Ma’s to help make the lunch and just be around if someone needed something. It sounded like they had a fantastic day and not only was some serious card playing done, but everyone left with full bellies. It was a good day for everyone! The ladies had fun and we were glad that Mom was feeling better and was able to also enjoy the day. But I’m guessing that she’ll be tired tonight and won’t have any trouble falling asleep either!