Kind of stubborn

Even though Miss Scarlet is about the prettiest calf in all the county, she might also be about the most stubborn.

It’s about time for her to try to drink out of a pail and we are having absolutely no success. Well that might not be such a true statement. If you call having her drink a bottle in less that a minute and then out of a pail in about 20 minutes  a success, then I guess I might be wrong. But she sure doesn’t like the change at all! She’s so tame when she sees you come near her she’ll run up because she thinks she’s going to get fed. Then when she sees the pail she’ll just walk all the way around you and start slamming her head into you. It’s kind of like when your kids were in church and they wanted down. You knew that no matter what they did they were not going to be put down! Well one head butt to the chin and you caved. Well, it’s kind of the same way with Scarlet.

Scarlet isn't liking this change one bit!

Scarlet isn’t liking this change one bit!

She just wants to drink out of the bottle and that’s that! So Daryl tried it one more time tonight and because he’s going to be out of town for the rest of the week, Kyle and I decided that going back to the bottle for Scarlet for a couple of days isn’t the worst thing in the world. I mean she’s still just a baby. A very strong baby, but a baby none the less!

Now everyone is happy again

Now everyone is happy again

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