Winter storm warning for us again!

It sure seems like we’ve had more storm and blizzard warnings this year that I can ever remember!DSCN7809 Today we’re under a storm warning and in the next 2 days we’re supposed to have blizzard conditions. But so far everything has been working better outside than yesterday. Daryl put a new battery in the car and that works again. And knock on wood somewhere because the water tank is still working. Daryl even got the tractor started to clean out the yard today. DSCN7811When it gets this cold out, he plugs the tractor in to keep the motor warm. Otherwise, it gets too cold to start. I worked on getting our vacation stuff put away. When we got home on Thursday morning, we just literally dumped it in the laundry room and even I know that we made a mess. I didn’t do that much laundry yet because most of it needs to dry flat and with the weather outside.. I’m thinking that I won’t need the swim suits and shorts for quite sometime. DSCN7807

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