December 26th

It’s the day after Christmas and back to work we go. Well, it’s just me this morning. Daryl took the day off and the boys? Well, they are more nocturnal than anything else. They stay up late and get up even later. But I don’t care. I say if you can get away with it, go for it!

At work today it never fails. I don’t know about you, but if seems if there’s some type of Holiday and you eat – I am absolutely starving the next day. Today even some mint cookies that a supplier sent tasted good. And I really don’t even like mint! Then we started to talk about butter. And the recipes that you can make with butter. Now it might not sound like we got much work done, be we really did. The one butter recipe that was shared was this one: soften two sticks of butter, add around 1/3 a can of sweetened condensed milk (I guessed on this and just poured some on the butter) and a tsp of cinnamon. If you’re reading this you just might think it’s just flavored cinnamon. And you are right, but it’s awesome!  We had potato soup and fresh buns from the oven for supper tonight and then I put some of this butter on the buns and to be honest I think I had more butter than bread. The girl who gave me the recipe said it tastes more like a cinnamon roll and she was right. But now I have this bowl of butter in our refrigerator and I’ll have to find other things to put it on. I don’t think it’s such a great idea just to scoop it out and eat it plain. Well at least not for the upcoming swim suit season 🙂

Not the best picture of the flavored butter - but it's good

Not the best picture of the flavored butter – but it’s good

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