Everyone’s a comedian

With Daryl’s surgery a month ago and now with Mom in the hospital, we never got around to getting the Christmas tree decorated. So on Monday night the boys set out to do exactly that. The ornaments have been by the tree just waiting for the right moment and tonight was the night. As the Christmas music was blasting in the living room along with the TV going with a football game on, they started to put the ornaments on the tree. I smiled to myself because I could hear them talk about each ornament as they were hanging them. It reminded me of a cartoon that was in last weeks Sunday paper. The cartoon was about hanging ornaments and it goes something like this: The joy of Christmas is remembering the joys of Christmas past. Kinda cool.

But for these two hoodlums they thought they were pretty funny when they saw that I got out the camera and they started to pose.DSCN7649 DSCN7650But little did they know that I also have my camcorder and all three cameras juiced up and ready to go for the next couple of weeks. Even Daryl was getting into the act.

With Daryl putting our angel on top of the tree, it's official.

With Daryl putting our angel on top of the tree, it’s official.

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