Sometimes life just isn’t fair

You know, sometimes life’s just not fair. The reason that I say that is because I kind of felt bad for Reno tonight. It was raining on and off all day today, and tonight it was raining pretty heavy. And when I looked out the french doors, both Reno and Little Kitty were just hoping that they would be able to get in for the night. DSCN7413But there was no way that I was going to let Reno in. I think sometimes our house gets kind of a funky smell anyway, and then to add a wet dog to that? No way. But Little Kitty.. that was a different story. He wasn’t too wet and after he got his paws wiped off on the rug, he was good to go. So the next time I looked out, this is what was looking back at me. DSCN7419And what was Little Kitty doing? Yea, you guessed it. He ran to the big pillow by the fire place and called the spot for the night. I’m sure glad he has this relaxing thing down aren’t you? DSCN7426But Daryl and I weren’t any better. We spent the night just chilling out in front of the TV. Even though there are some farmers that aren’t completely done with their field work, the rain really was good for the soil. We still were pretty dry and it seemed to be soaking all in. And it could be much worse. Western Iowa was looking at getting snow tonight instead of the rain. I’m glad the possibility of snow was staying west of us, for at least a little bit longer anyway!

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