Sometimes you just have to laugh

This morning the bin wasn’t working again and after Daryl crawled up in it before work, he realized that the belt was bad. His plan was to pick one up after work and then replace it. So after work he went to the parts store and bought two belts, one to replace the one he knew was bad and the one to have as a spare.  When I got home, I noticed that he was just climbing out of the bin and looking a little ‘goofy’. He had this grin on his face and it didn’t take too long to figure out what he was laughing about. He knew that the belt that he replaced was bad, but not until he actually took it off and replaced it did he know just how bad. Check it out

It looks like this belt had seen better days!

It looks like this belt had seen better days!

Well, the bin is full and running good now, so we’re getting cleaned up to hopefully check out some Halloween haunted houses tonight. Sounds like fun!

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