The Fall Harvest begins

The fall harvest has just begun for us tonight.

Daryl combining beans tonight

Daryl combining beans tonight

Daryl started the combine and headed out into the bean fields after work. He only stopped long enough for us to go into town to a wake that we wanted to go to and then grabbed some quick supper and then right back at it again. He said he was worried that not long after the sun went down the beans started to get a little tough and he thought he’d have to stop for the night. But either the air pressure changed or maybe pure luck, but he was able to keep going until he got two wagons full. DSCN7295I’m not sure what they’re yielding this year, and with all the crazy weather that we’ve had it’s just about anyone’s guess. But there was a lot of farmers out in the fields today and it always make you feel better if you are also in your field doing stuff. It’s just like when you plant the crops, if one of your neighbors are out in the field, it doesn’t take too long and the whole neighborhood is out there. As for me tonight, I was the chauffeur for awhile bringing Daryl back and forth from the field and finding something for supper that he could eat in less than 5 minutes or bring with him on the combine if he had to. So what did we have for supper? We had brats, corn, and then a baked potato. When I was at the Cranberry Festival there was this one stand that my Mom and her friend said that this one potato pocket thing was just the best!

The potato pocket that I bought at the Cranberry Festival

The potato pocket that I bought at the Cranberry Festival

Now I’m not usually found at craft shows, so they had to explain to me just what the heck it was. What it is was a sewn pocket that you put potatoes, sweet corn, or bread in and then into the microwave it goes. It’s supposed to make your baked potatoes so good . Well, I bought some potatoes tonight after work just to try this thing out. I wanted to use it out yesterday, but it was one of those times when something smells just a little funky in your basement and you’re not really sure what it is. Well it was my potatoes and lets say …  they were just not the best for eating. They ended up in the chicken coop for the chickens. OK, so tonight I got the potato ready and into the pocket and  microwave it went for around 3 1/2 minutes. When it came out, it was done and Daryl even said it was pretty good. Now why in the world this thing works I don’t have a clue. But hey, it works! The rest of the night I spent it on making some more granola bars for this weeks breakfast in the mornings. I added molasses this time in the recipe and I’m not so sure that I like it in it.

Breakfast bars

Breakfast bars

I’ll post the recipe later this week. I also needed a card to send out tomorrow so I made this one.  It’s pretty simple, but I like how it turned out.DSCN7298

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