The ‘norm’

Isn’t it funny how you see or hear things everyday, and they just become normal?  We had someone at our farm the other day and the peacocks were just screaming at something. Who know’s what they were upset about, but they were making a lot of noise. Now to be honest, I didn’t even really notice that they were loud until the person who was visiting just looked at me like what in the world is THAT? You could tell that they wanted to ask, but was a little afraid on what they might get for an answer. So I told them that they were the peacocks and must be mad about something. They just kind of nodded their head and said ‘ok‘.

Then when I was walking through the yard last night I noticed all the peacock feathers on the ground. They have almost lost all of their feathers except for a few stragglers.

There are always peacock feathers in our yard

There are always peacock feathers in our yard

So when I was picking up all these feathers, I realized that even though this is our normal at the farm, it might not be at other places. I guess I don’t know too many other farms have to chase the peacocks off the tractor before they can use it out in the field. I do know that Daryl just hates it when the peacocks sit on his truck or the cars, but I sure would miss having them around. Usually if I come home for lunch during the week, I’ll find Lucky sitting on the porch or if Sam is brave – he might even join Lucky and keep any eye on what’s going on in the house. And if you are driving by our farm, it’s not uncommon to see the peacocks just hanging out in the bean or corn fields. One time they did really get in trouble though. When we first got Sam, he  went to our neighbors farm and while she was watching TV he started to scream at her through the window. OK, now I personally think this is pretty funny! But because it was when we first got peacocks, she didn’t know what it was.  I think it pretty much scared her to death! So off Daryl went to try to bring him home. After he walked through the field to her house, he started the task of trying to get the peacock home. It looked like he was herding cats. The peacock would go one way and when Daryl would try to get him to turn, he’d go the other way. Eventually everyone made it home, and I had to try my best not to smile too hard when I saw Daryl come into the yard. But over the years not only have we been so used the peacocks, I’m thinking so has our neighbors. Hummm, there should be an exotic animal auction coming up soon this fall in a town not too far from us…. and with only one female peacock in the bunch, maybe the boys need another girlfriend?

Just some of the feathers that I picked up

Just some of the feathers that I picked up

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