Crazy start to the day

You know how you walk through your house and then something catches your eye? Well that’s what happened today. I was walking through the laundry room just checking out the chicken coop when I realized that I was looking at our cattle instead. Our cattle that should be in the cattle shed, not in our back yard. The one good thing about when our cattle get out is that they are still pretty tame. Now granted by far not as tame as the cows that I had when I was not working, but still we have No Ears and she’s pretty tame. Even Ed the bull isn’t bad. So I grabbed a pail and started to call them. Soon around the car shed they came and walked up to me looking for crushed corn. I opened the gate and back into the yard they went. Daryl checked the fence and he’s thinking that maybe they got out by the machine shed. He’ll check it better tonight, but for now they’re in jail on the cow yard. I started to think that maybe they were just out checking out the apples. No Ears Loves apples!

So Daryl and I were still trying to get to work this morning and then we started to think about where Pepper the little kitty went. We knew that he was inside, but where? Time was a ticking away and no signs of him. We were looking under everything and he was no where in sight. He still can’t Meow too well, so I knew that he wouldn’t make any noise to let us know. All of a sudden Daryl said he found him. Check it out where he was.

Pepper on our new couch, just hiding.

Pepper on our new couch, just hiding.

This afternoon was really hot outside again, so I left both the dog and little kitty inside for most of the afternoon. I know that they could stand the heat, but if they didn’t have too, why make them. I mean , just look at this face. DSCN7030

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