Not on the my list

I spent a couple of hours after work this afternoon mowing with the rider, and when I was almost done I looked down at my legs. I’m not sure why I did this, but something must have caught my eyes. What I saw was a lot of red blotches and welts on my one leg. At first I thought no big deal, but in the next hour all the blotches combined and now it felt like my leg was really warm. I’m sure that I got into something, but as I was looking at it, I thought to myself that going to a Dr was absolutely not on my list of things to do tonight or even tomorrow. Yea, pretty sure on that!  I’m going to have to try to get rid of this by myself. I’ve added a picture that I took and I made the picture of my leg smaller than the ‘normal’ size because it was just plain scary in the big size!

Not pretty at all

Not pretty at all

After I got done mowing, I quick went to find the hand saw so I could get rid of the ugly volunteer trees that were growing in our grove. I guess I used the word ‘quick’ but it really wasn’t that quick. I checked absolutely every place that I could think of on the farm for the saw, and finally after going through all the buildings the second time,  I came across it. The blade wasn’t the sharpest, but hey.. it worked.

I think we'll give them to the cows for something different to eat tomorrow

I think we’ll give them to the cows for something different to eat tomorrow

So I got to cross of a couple more things off my list and then I jumped into the shower. I thought if I washed this leg with a lot of soap, that maybe.. just maybe.. it’d go away. Yea, not so lucky. But I think it did look a little bit better as the night went on. When Daryl looked at it, he was wondering if I got it cutting down the trees. But to be honest, I have no idea where I got this rash from. When I started to mow with the rider after work tonight, I put my head down and literally floored it. I even used the cruise control on the mower for the first time. Pretty cool stuff! So to say where I actually rubbed against something that was definitely wrong, would be a miracle. No big deal. I have to wear jeans to work tomorrow and after work  I’m planning on heading to town to get some supplies for the big weekend, so hopefully by then it’ll be gone. Or at least the welts down and not so much on fire would be nice! While I was working on the yard, Daryl was able to get the hay baled so that’s really good. We had a neighbor who has a round baler do the work for us. WhooHoo! Another thing to cross off the list.

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