I’m just saying…

Well you remember those little kitties that we found the other day? We had some bad luck with them, and by this weekend the only one that survived was this little orange kitty. Everything was going OK with her even though we had to feed her constantly! But still, everything was going pretty good. Then all of a sudden we were trying to figure out if she ever went to the bathroom. We couldn’t remember her ever doing this, and then the worrying started. Now I don’t know how long a cat can go without going to the bathroom, but this little thing’s belly was getting pretty big and when you touched it, you could tell it hurt. OK, so now what? So Kyle and I went to the grocery store and thought we’d look around to see what we could come up with. We ended up in the refrigerator section and found ourselves standing in front of Activia. Now to be honest, I don’t know too much about this product other than it’s supposed to have ‘digestive health benefits’. Just look how good Jamie Lee Curtis looks right? So standing in the refrigerator section, Kyle looked and me and we both shrugged our shoulders and thought that it really couldn’t hurt right? I mean if people can eat it, why in the world couldn’t little kitties. So home we went with our 4 pack of this yogurt. Once we got in the house, the little kitty could hear the door slam, and even though she’s in a big container in the laundry room – the VERY loud meowing started. So I warmed up some milk and mixed it with the yogurt stuff and spooned it into the bottle. Now for the true test, will this kitty like it? Yea, that’s pretty much an understatement. She drank the whole bottle. Her belly was almost wider than her whole body length after she got done. So after she fell asleep, back into the container she went for the night. We figured it was either going to help her or kill her – but either way I’m sure we’ll see some result in the morning.  And what did this morning bring? Well, this must be some pretty good stuff! Yea, she was a lot lighter this morning and it worked! So now we’ve been having to bottle feed her almost every two hours and I”m just saying that for this kitty only being a couple of weeks old, she sure is a lot of work. But you know what? She’s also pretty darn cute.IMG_0358a

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2 Responses to I’m just saying…

  1. tammy k. says:

    look at those pretty blue kitty eyes! sure hope that little thing makes it. we had a pup that was so sick when we got her. i worked days and hubby worked afternoons and he would call me and say ‘i don’t think the pup is going to live until you get home’ and i would call him and say the same thing, for several days. but finally the dog snapped out of it and lived many years. so i really hope kitty makes it for you!

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