Are you ready? Update for Friday

OK, here is the barn before I painted it

Barn before it was painted

And here is the barn after – ready???

Are you sure??


It took 8 1/2 gallons of red paint to do the south side of this barn. It was probably the worst of all the sides so I’m hoping that we won’t have to use as much for the rest. But she sure does look good doesn’t she!

Daryl also finished his barn door. We’ve talked about having them fixed for a long time and I am glad that he started to replace the ones that need it. He said he was confident that he knew what he was doing but I think deep down he really wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out. You build the door by putting on small nails to hold it to the building. Then when you have the hinges on, you go inside and push the door open. Really kind of cool! He cut the top door at a 45 degree angle so that the top door can open with the bottom door closed, but the bottom door can’t open if the top door is closed. I think his dad would be proud that it looks so good!

Daryl cutting the barn door


William is still working on his wagon. He had to make a couple of trips to the hardware store to get the right bolts and drill bits, but I think the only thing really left is to put the wood on the bottom. I really like this little wagon and I’m glad that he’s fixing it up. I’m not sure what we’ll use it for – but it’ll be ready once we figure that out!

William working on the wagon

We still are waiting for our contractor to come that we hired to remove the old cement from the hog building. We’re at a stand still until the cement is gone. He said he was coming Thursday – last Thursday… so hopefully he’ll be here next week.

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