Walter the Rooster

If you have read the June 10th post, I talk about Walter and that I was feeling kind of bad for him. Well lately I’ve been watching him and the pheasants that he’s been living with and I’m thinking Walter wasn’t as innocent as I was at first thinking. There are two pheasants that share his space – Tim (the male) and Martha (the female). Well lately Tim was looking a little stressed and just – different. What I realized was that his tail feathers are all gone. That’s not good. So I checked out the male peacocks and their feathers are still on. The reason that I checked out the peacocks is because in the late summer, they do loose their tail feathers and I thought that maybe it was just that time for them to start shedding. But no one else have lost their feathers. So I checked again today and I found out that Walter the rooster just must have pulled them out. I can’t believe that the pheasant isn’t tougher than a one eyed rooster with a hole in his head. So now I need to decide if I’m going to put him back in the other side of the coop or not. But if he just sits there all day and stares at the pheasants – maybe it’s time to switch it up again.

Walter is on the left and Tim the pheasant is on the right

Check out the feathers in the corner....

The raspberries are in full production and I picked the first bowl today. I was going to make some jam tomorrow with them, but I think I’m going to look on the web for other ideas before I commit to more jam. I spent today mowing lawn and scrapping the barn to get it ready to paint. Lately I’ve been working on being ambidextrous, and being able to use both hands when painting. The reason is because I have the fat arm wings going on and if I continue to use only my right arm – I’m thinking that I SHOULD loose some of that swinging wing thing, but concerned that my left arm will be flabby yet. Now wouldn’t that look weird!!  Right arm all toned up and the left arm just hanging there. So far, neither arm is getting anywhere toned up. But I’m still hoping!!!

William spent most of the day putting the scrap metal that he’s been storing up for sometime now on a wagon. He’s hoping to get big bucks on the load and I sure hope he does make some money on it because he’s spent so much time gathering it up and cleaning up some old storage areas. I guess he’ll find out.

First bowl of raspberries of the season

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One Response to Walter the Rooster

  1. Judy says:

    OMG–that arm flab thing is so funny!!!

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