Catching up

OK, seriously.. how can two people make this much laundry in one week? We usually pack our bags for our bike ride and then check it again and try to downsize. But looking at this pile that needs to be washed today, I’m guessing that we didn’t downsize too well!

A lot of laundry for only one week

Usually we do laundry on the ride, but not how you would guess we would do it. We take our clothes into the shower with us and then wash it using either our body wash, hand soap, or hair wash.  They all do about the same thing anyway. Then after we’re done in the shower, we scoop up the clothes, wring them out, and hang them in the trailer to dry. It works really slick. My brother put up a clothes line inside the trailer and when it goes down the road the wind blows through it and dries everything. So you can afford to take less clothes because you’re always washing something. But today was the day to rewash everything and it went fast. There was a slight wind blowing outside and I hung everything on the line to dry. It didn’t take long, and by tonight everything is clean and smelling much better again. Now just to repack the totes that we keep everything in tomorrow and it’ll be stored for another year. I also mowed lawn today. I don’t know if you ever have seen the program that they show on TV about if all the people were gone, what would happen? They say that the plants and animals would take over and it would be come unrecognizable. I really believe the part about the plants and weeds taking over. Our lawn wasn’t mowed now for about a week and a half and it needed it! I spent about 6 hours with the rider today and when Daryl got home he spent some time trimming. I’ll have to trim a little bit more tomorrow and then we’ll be good for some time again. When I was out mowing, I noticed that the apple trees were in survival mode and dropped a bunch of apples when it was so hot. So today started the beginning of picking up the fallen apples again. I picked a 5 gallon pail of them and gave them to the chickens.

Fallen apples for the chickens today

It seems that a lot of people don’t know that chickens will eat just about anything. Well almost anything, they don’t like oranges as you can tell in the picture above. This orange has been in there for a couple of days and I should take it out tomorrow.  They sure liked the apples though, and tomorrow they’ll be getting some cabbage. My Mom said not to let it stay in the garden too long otherwise it’ll get eaten (not sure by what?) but when I looked at mine today – it had huge parts missing on it. So I pulled all of it out of the garden and will be feeding those to the chickens tomorrow. I’ll know better next year.

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