Happy Father’s Day!

So the day didn’t start out too good. Check out the TV below and see if you can find out what’s the matter with it…

Pretty sad.. nothing is going to be on TV for most of the week

Did you notice that there is NO picture? We had our new satellite receiver for two months and the last couple of days it’s been giving us trouble. But it was one of those things that you just ‘hope’ that goes away. Well this morning, the receiver didn’t work at all, even after messing with unplugging it and checking all the wires. So we are with out a  TV until Thursday. I’m going to call the person who put in the new receiver tomorrow morning to see if I can get them to come out sooner. Otherwise we have to wait for the repair person from this company to come. Who knows, maybe it’ll be a good thing to shut the TV off for awhile.

So after church as we were driving home when we noticed a Turkey Vulture at Daryl’s sister -in-laws farm. As we got closer it was clear that there was more than one of them. I dropped off Daryl and William and grabbed the camera to go back to take a picture of them. Now I know that not everyone can be a pretty bird, but I’m telling you that this bird really lost out when they were handing out the good looks. Then I noticed that there was about 20 of them just hanging out on the silo and some of the other places in the yard. It so reminded me of the movie birds, so I quick took the picture and went back home.

There was a lot of these birds just hanging out and flying around today.

Close up of one of the Turkey Vultures

Daryl opened up his Father’s Day gifts and sat down to read the Sunday paper. For me, I was trying to figure out what to do with this bench that Daryl’s Mom used when she was a kid. The bench was in her parents kitchen, and her brothers and sisters would sit at it when they were having their meals. Because there were 11 kids in the family, they used a bench instead of chairs. Much less room and you fit in more kids. When I was standing just looking at this bench trying to figure out what I should do with it, William came up with a great idea to hang it on the wall. Now all I needed to do was to convince Daryl that it was what we should do. He was OK with the idea (shock, I know!) and off to the farm store we went to get some brackets. When we were leaving, there was a lady that was trying to fold a plastic swimming pool in half and shoving it into her car. It wasn’t going so well for her, so into our truck it went and we followed her to deliver it to her house. She was really greatfull, and I’m not sure what she was thinking when so bought it.  We needed to get home because we had planned a bicycle ride with my brother in the afternoon, and we hurried up and got changed and met him in town. The weather was nice and even though it turned out a little windy, we sure had a good time. We went around 40 miles total and it was really good training for not only myself but also Daryl. My brother stopped in at our farm on the way back to his house with their kids later on and I’m thinking that the kid section in the Roadhouse was a pretty good idea. We had a bonfire lit, but because it was so windy we just stayed in the Roadhouse instead and played some games. I’m not sure who liked it better, the kids or the adults.

So now it’s after 11:00 and the house is really quiet. Both Daryl and William went to bed a little while ago and now I’m off to bed also.I kind of smell like a camp fire, but if Daryl is sleeping he won’t notice.  I can hear the wind blowing outside and sure hope that it doesn’t blow up a storm. I’d turn TV on, but you know that it’s probably not going to work. I guess I can look the weather up on the internet, but instead I think I’ll just be surprised.  So for now off to bed I go. I’ve got quite a bit that I need to get done early in the morning and I sure hope that I have good luck to get it all checked off my list.


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One Response to Happy Father’s Day!

  1. bruce says:

    Oh yes I remember that bench well ate lots of meals there and who can forget the prayers before we ate.

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