Flag Day

Today is Flag Day. I wasn’t sure really why this was started or why we celebrate this .. so this is what I found out. Flag Day marks the date in 1777 when Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes, and in 1949 President Harry S Truman signed legislation designating June 14 as Flag Day. Now I don’t know how long your family has celebrated Flag Day, but I do know that in my family growing up it was kind of a big deal. It wasn’t like it is now, you put the flag out for just about anything and to be honest I think it stays up until someone actually takes it down. But when I was a kid, the story goes that on the morning my Dad would ask if anyone knew what day it was. When the correct answer would be ‘Flag Day’, that person got to put the flag out. Now I really don’t remember this story very well other than my sister retelling it. And the reason that she’s shared it with us so often? Well because she said she would be the one to guess what day it was. She said she could always just remember that the day was on June 14th.. but  honestly I think she got to put the flag up because she was the oldest in our family and that’s why she got to do it. I’m just saying…..

But check out our local Memorial in our home town. It looks pretty nice.

Celebrating Flag Day in our home town

So how did we celebrate Flag Day? We went out for supper at a local restaurant that we haven’t been to for a very long time. William got home from picking rock just in time to get cleaned up and to town we went. Check out the picture below of William’s hamburger (s)! And the funny part of it was that he was done with the burger before Daryl and I got done with our food. Unbelievable.

No idea where he puts all the food he eats!

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One Response to Flag Day

  1. Sherry Elwood says:

    Looks like an episode of Man vs. Food!
    He must still be growing, or probably all those rocks he’s been picking up:)

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