Windy Day today

Another windy day. I decided that when I die and go to Heaven (yes heaven!) that the first thing that I’m going to ask St. Peter is ‘Why the heck does it always have to be so windy?’ I HATE WIND! I’ve been trying to convince myself these past couple of weeks that I like it. Every time that it’s windy I tell myself over and over … I really LIKE this wind, I really Like this wind. Well enough of that mind crap because it doesn’t work. I was painting today and my paint tray that I was using blew up into the air, with paint on it and landed in the yard, dumping out all the paint that was in it. Not cool. So I’m hoping that the wind dies down this week because I need to start on the next project and not be so crabby!
Today I painted our porch foundation because I was thinking that the ladder wouldn’t hold up in the wind and it would tip. So I’m staying as close to the ground that I can. The paint is called rhubarb and it was the best match to our porch that we could get. So now all we have to do is to seal our porch, paint the front door, and find some cushions that our dogs won’t eat, then the porch will be done.



Our chickens are back on track after this weekend. I picked 8 eggs today. The little chickens are really growing up and are almost as tall as the old ones. I read that they should start laying their first eggs between 5 and 6 months old, so I guess I have awhile yet for them to start laying. I’m a little worried that I might have saved too many of those little chick’s when they were in need,  because if I get 4 dozen eggs possibly a day x 7 days – that’s 28 dozen eggs or 336 a week. Hummm… kind of late to be thinking about this now.

I think Slick is gone. No idea where he went – but he is not around our farm. After I put the trap in the last time he never tripped it or built any new gopher mounds. So I pulled the trap. Daryl said that maybe he started to go into the field – but after looking there I didn’t see any sign of him. It’s too bad because I do miss him.

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