Sleeping and Thinking way too much

Yesterday when I was cleaning the upstairs, I rearranged Daryl’s and my bedroom around. Now this isn’t a big deal because on any given day, I will change a room around and not think much about it. But in our bedroom I felt that the bed was not sitting level and it was driving me crazy. Why is this a big deal you might ask? Well, I just couldn’t sleep that way and the last couple of weeks I’ve been having both Daryl and I sleep upside down on the bed. The first night when I fixed the bed the wrong way, he just looked at it, looked at me, and then asked if it was supposed to look that way. After awhile we did get used to it and I know that this sound kinda crazy, but I did sleep better. And if I sleep better, I think that Daryl does also. Otherwise I’m moving in the bed and getting up and walking around, and nudging him to see if he really was sleeping or if he was just resting.  So I moved our bed to a different part of the room yesterday and we tried sleeping the correct way on our bed last night. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep much at all and man was I tired today. I’m hoping that it was just because the room was rearranged and not that the bed is uneven again. I guess I’ll find out tonight.

This morning was filled with running errands and when I was driving home I began to think about a lot of different things. I think that maybe it was because I was so tired or maybe it was the CD that I had on playing. But whatever the case, I was thinking way too much. I was thinking that with both William and my other nephew graduating, that I wish my dad was still alive. He’s been gone for over 5 years and I think he would really have enjoyed seeing them graduate. Daryl’s dad died when William was 2, so William really didn’t remember him too much. But with my dad, both William and my nephew would spend many afternoons at my folk’s playing cards or helping him in his wood shop. Then I told myself to try to think of something else – so I started to think about graduation. Would I be ready? Would the food be OK? What happens if no one comes? And what will Daryl and I do when we are officially ’empty nesters’?  So I knew that I had to stop worrying about all of this because it was making my belly hurt. I remember something that my Mom always told us when we were kids. She always made us go work outside, she said it would make us feel better. Now up to now, I always thought that it was a trick to get us to do some work, but for today I thought that this might be a good thing to take my mind off of all this stuff. I decided to mow the lawn. Her trick did work because when I was almost done with the trimming of the ditches – I ran out of gas for the push mower. And wouldn’t you know it, I didn’t have any more to put in the mower. Needless to say, at this point I wasn’t thinking at all about any graduation food. All I was thinking about was that I ran out of gas so fast and why wouldn’t this push mower start again!

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