Spring cleaning and gardens

I’m doing really well on keeping my basement cleaning project going. Now I’m not saying that I’m doing it at record speed, but I try to work on having something to take to the local Good Will store to donate at least every other day. I even started to look around the garage to see if there was anything that I can add to my pile. I’ve found that it gets easier to get rid of things as time goes on. You would think that it would be the opposite wouldn’t you? But I still have a lot to get organized and I told the clerk at the Good Will store that I sure hope I see her often! She gave me a weird look, but oh well.

I also went back to that garage sale today. I know that I really didn’t have to have anything – but since I was doing so well getting rid of ‘stuff’, I thought I’d just go back and look again. Well I kept thinking about this one table that was there that I saw the last time and it was really cool. It was an industrial table and for some reason, I just HAD to have it. It’s made out of steel and now it’s mine. It’s sitting outside in our yard right now and I hope to get it sanded and painted this weekend. I just laughed when Daryl came home. I just got home and parked the pickup when he pulled into the yard. When he looked at me and then looked at the pickup he just smiled. He said that I had such a guilty look on my face, he knew something was up. When I was driving the truck home today with the table in the back, I felt that I had a dead animal in the box with the legs sticking straight up in the air. In the rear view mirror, all I could see was these four legs and I was just glad that my new table didn’t fly out!

Legs sticking straight up in the air

Work continues on scanning in the photos. Tonight I stopped for the night at over 1000 that I have transferred. The one size of the photo’s that I’m scanning in is confusing the computer software and I every once in awhile I have to re scan them again. Otherwise it combines two into one. Not good. But I should be able to get this first book done by tomorrow and then I’ll start again with the dental floss on the next one.

I started some plants this afternoon in William’s greenhouse. I planted some tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, cabbage, and jalapeno peppers. I will start some basil and flowers tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be really nice this next week, so I started them inside the greenhouse. Now we’ll just have to wait and see what comes up. Oh yea, I also need to start some cherry tomatoes. But I’m going to be very conservative on how many of those I start this year!

Starting to seed some plants today

One thing that I was disappointed in today was my fundraising activity for our schools band bus for state contest. I was hoping to have more money committed by now and I’m worried just how much we’ll be able to raise. This is the first time that I’ve ever taken on something like this and I’m surprised how emotional it is. When someone says that they can donate, you are so excited and thinking what will we do with all the extra money we’ll have from donations? Then when someone said that they would rather not, it just blows you back down to earth and you just hope that you can come close to what you’ll need. Oh well, I’m going to keep my hopes up and see what next week brings. As for now I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies tonight after supper. Whoever said that eating never solves anything, never smelt a fresh batch of cookies that just came out of the oven!

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