First coat of paint – Done!

I was able to get the first coat of paint done in the Roadhouse and it really looks good. I’m still not sure on the color though. When I bought it, I was looking for something that was pretty light. Daryl didn’t want anything too dark so I picked about the lightest color of grey that I could get.  But now that it’s on the walls – I’m thinking it might be too light. One of the deciding factors if we are going to paint it darker is when we get the windows on and let some natural light into the area. So after the painting was done – my next task was to call the carpenter to see when he can come to our farm and put the windows in. We’re going to put three in on the south side and one on the west side. Just by good luck – he’s coming this Thursday or Friday. YEA! I just can’t wait to see how it’s going to change the look of the building. I told Daryl that I’d be around if the carpenter needed some extra help. Now you can just about imagine the look Daryl gave me and then he gave one of those smiles that you nod your head a little bit with. I’m pretty sure I knew what he was thinking. I’ll have also have to figure out what to make the carpenter for dinner. I’m not sure what I’ll make for the main meal but it sounds like a good reason to make a cheesecake for dessert.

The dogs have been really active lately chewing up their dog bed. Now I know that there is a big present under the Christmas tree with their names on it. And the rumor is that it’s a new bed. The only problem is that I’m not sure how long the new one will last once they get it. They drag there old bed around the yard and work really hard chewing on it so they can get all the stuffing out of it. Other news is that Reno is getting so big and if she’s not pregnant … she really is packing on the Holiday pounds! I know some of her new weight is coming from getting eggs in the morning. When I let them out of the barn in the morning they get a couple of treats along with about 4 to 6 eggs for breakfast every morning. Now usually the male dog (Apollo) won’t let Reno have anything unless he thinks its not good. But he’s been really nice to her lately and she’s been eating most or all of the eggs. If she is pregnant the puppies should be born around mid January. Wouldn’t that be fun!

Pretty much all of the stuffing is gone now in their bed!

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