Treasures found

To tell this story I need to go back a couple of years and tell you what we found. We were by the chicken house one day when one of the boys found a small cross that we all thought was really something unique. We were not really not too sure what it actually was, but William put it on a chain and wore it. It looked to us like it might have came off a rosary. William was able to wear it awhile and then one day it came off the chain and was lost. So that was the end of that. Then when we were cleaning out Daryl’s Mom & Dad’s house after they passed away, we found a few more of the same crosses. So I had taken two of them and make new chains for the boys to wear. Then last spring we went to Florida and when we were all on the beach, William didn’t want to get it lost in the ocean so he took it off…. and left the chain with the cross on it on the beach. So again, another one was gone. I had an extra one so he had it put on a stronger chain and it was working pretty good for him until the hook came ‘unhooked’. This time he didn’t lose the cross and I was able to take it back to the jewelry store today and have a new stronger hook soldered on it. When I was in the store I was talking about having her polish the cross up and I didn’t know if she could. I was thinking that it was probably something made out of tin and wouldn’t take very good to polishing. But she said thought that the cross was made out of sterling silver. So now I’m kind of puzzled. I originally thought that these crosses came from Daryl’s mom’s old rosaries but if that was true, I think they would be made out of some sort of inexpensive metal because it would have come from maybe the 50’s or 60’s. So now I’m thinking that if they are sterling silver maybe they were his Grandmother’s rosaries that could be over 100 years old. How cool is that? I still have one cross left for Kyle – so now no one can loose anymore because there are no other replacements if they do. I wonder why Daryl’s mom had these crosses? If they did come off a rosary, why would you take them off in the first place? So many questions and now with both his Mom and Dad gone, I guess we’ll never know. I think the right answer is for us to just enjoy them.

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