Friday night – It’s a date!

This time of the year around the farm the word date doesn’t always mean what you think it would. 

And with it being Friday night and Daryl and I had a ‘date’, well I wasn’t too surprised that the date meant that he was wondering if I would come over to the other farm and help him so something.  

Well of course I would help even though I wasn’t sure just what I was helping him with!  But I soon found out that we were going to move the auger from our farm and set it up on the other farm before it got too dark out.

So off we go in the pickup with the auger behind us. It didn’t take too long to get it just in the right spot for the bin and then Daryl had to climb up to the top to get the spout lined up. As you can tell from the picture below we got the auger there before it got dark, but the moon was out to help us see when the final setup was being done.  

Now even though it was dark when we left and going out for the night was the last thing on our minds – I have to admit it really wasn’t that bad of a date after all 🙂

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